Reaching out beyond the dream of what you thought was real, spinning on this ball of life, head now under heel. Ready to die, to live this life so raw, alive on ledge- dancing, hurling, freeing your soul to finally stretch the edge.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

the wrong hope

The things that make, break and mold us are those that we cannot control, such as love, light, darkness, fear, courage, strength, and maybe hope. We can't change anything about anyone else and only those things in ourselves that we desire to. One by one the fascia fall away when we learn to let go and let good take control. That's the good in all, not just in me. There is no good in me if I see the absence of good in another. We are all just waiting to be love, and yes, just walking each other home.

What real joy is there in a rainbow, beyond perception's harvest?
Can't touch or feel it, can't make it into anything other than the feeling
it conjures in your heart and mind.
We can remember these sights, but why would we?

Because they offer an inlet-a calmer bay where the ocean's roar
cannot coax us from our silence?
Because beautiful dreams are more hopeful than
the tangible ugliness of dirty hands and broken hearts?

Before the sun burned through the clouds,
when I could not see the dark hills hiding in
the swells of the midnight storm...
I danced in the rain where none could see me

Hold my hands together, bathed in the dawning light
just above my heart where I can swoosh the dark away
and not see the demons I had twirled with
in this luminous, iridescent new awaking dream

Shine...the world awaits your beauty

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