take me
shake me
rock me
break me
Be the force that overtakes me
thrill me
till me
hold me
fill me
Be the light that will
?: For as long as I can remember, I have had a kinship with owls. There was a time, as a child, that they visited me nightly. They'd come swooping down at me, sometimes waking me, screaming. As I grew fonder of them, they'd show up each night, in a different color. When I lived in the house on Cherish Way there was a pair of barn owls who would come and circle over head when I sat outside to meditate. When it was time for life to change- I just didn't know where to go next and I was scared. When I checked out this house in which I am now living, I met "B" who is in the picture above. I couldn't believe the beautiful view from the bedroom balcony, and when I saw him sitting in the planter, I knew this view would bring me peace. And it has... Thank you