Your question from last night tumbled so effortlessly from your lips. Now that I've had the time to compose my thoughts, here’s my attempt at an answer.
On the breath of every question and in the breeze of every motion lives a chance to be challenged. We must open our hearts and minds, allowing ourselves to wonder, feel and trust the unknown. You may get swept up in a cyclone of debris, violently ending your dream. Or maybe you will catch a stream to ride with unabashed delight –squealing- with hands in air, knowing only that this moment must not be denied. Either choice brings a glorious death.
Your question, if I understood your query, was whether or not I was an emotional daredevil. Perhaps that’s true, but it is only when I lay my heart out sans pride, worry or caution while divorcing my pre-conceived notions, that I chance finding a soul with the mettle to keep me. The “challenge” is not a competitive force, but one that edifies this spirit. It is not in being better than, but being secure and content in the vulnerability, resurrection, acceptance, appreciation and trust of another's soul.
In this journey we must first challenge ourselves and be willing to die inside each moment or feeling. But do so with the knowledge that every new morning will awaken us with a soft, deep, beautiful kiss.
The heard melody
is sweet
but the unheard
is even sweeter
is sweet
but the unheard
is even sweeter
And so here you are, beautiful friend. Quiet your soul and listen. Would you tell me what you hear?
Many of my new young friends have tried to understand how I can say, ¨I don´t why, but Heavy Mettle rules my heart, and I´m not sure what to do about it¨.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you know.